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Our Mission


AnySchoolers gives secular, inclusive support for families who need physical, emotional and relational safety,

no matter where and how they school,

through direct education, caregiver peer collaboration, resources, networking with other agencies, and social connections.

Our Vision


Learning happens anywhere, anytime, any way with anyone.

Image by Ian Schneider

Our Values

Secular Education

We value secular, academic, evidence-based approaches to education that foster critical thinking. We embrace a multi-faceted view of human history, society, literature, mathematics, the arts and sciences.

Celebrated Differences

We value inclusivity for families. We welcome members of all walks of life, socioeconomic levels, belief systems, ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, mental and physical abilities. We make space for differences to be celebrated as part of the brightly burning human experience.

Physical Safety

We value physical safety. Our procedures and policies are designed to keep children safe from harm by other children and by adults. We believe that adherence to administrative rules and behavioral boundaries create predictability and educational safety for the group. When hurt happens, we address it immediately with grace. We believe that even correction should happen with connection and warmth.

Emotional Safety

We value emotional safety. We believe that compassion for our own and others’ fears and insecurities kindles understanding. In everything we do, we build an ethos of empathy. We believe the best about humans. Security and emotional peace foster educational creativity, sparkling curiosity, and hilarious play. 

Relational Safety

We value relational safety. We believe in taking away aloneness. We believe that attachment relationships between family members should be secure and strong. In our community, we prevent insecurity and bullying by being transparent and authentic about emotion, wants, needs and behavior. We believe direct and clear is kind. Our organization is a campfire, a hearth, for people to gather around for epic stories and memory-making.

Learning Everywhere

We believe learning happens everywhere. Whether you have a classroom in your home, school in an RV, travel the world, meet in a virtual or in-person setting, read at bedtime, or learn in the forest or on the beach, we can be a community and learn together. 

Learning for All Ages

We believe people learn in many ways, all the time, at all ages. We believe the function of the brain is to adapt and absorb new input across the lifespan, from birth to death. We accept all different types of learners, welcome new perspectives, and look for ways to experience the world through others’ eyes in addition to our own. We honor the specific developmental needs of infants and preschool children, elementary kids, tweens, teens and adults. We believe mistakes are opportunities to learn, and gentle feedback is a chance for self-awareness. 

Unstructured and Structured Enrichment

We value both unstructured and structured enrichment activities and direct programming for humans of all ages that illuminate imaginations, bring fire to hearts, and light up faces.


We value a culture of collaboration, equity,  and equality between group members. We believe caregivers need security in adult peer relationships in order to nurture and teach their children. We believe that a spirit of comradery, transparency, accountability, and teamwork among adults lights the way for children, who learn the same culture of deep respect. We are passing the torch to the next generation by modeling healthy adult collegial work.


We believe that resources - materials, curriculum, merchandise, financial assistance - are the key to allowing families to educate their members. We value tangible, meaningful tools that caregivers can hold with their hands. Nothing holds a candle to gifting firewood to a neighbor, so they can cook their own meal. We value stewardship of the donations, time, assets, people and good will of our organization.


We value networking with other agencies, educators and professionals, in order to efficiently meet needs and optimize services that are already in place for families through an eclectic, robust referral system. We embrace local businesses that value parents, educators, children, teens, families, and the joy of curiosity.


We value socialization across the lifespan for our children. Social learning happens in the context of the environment and all other humans. We value vicarious learning. We want to address misrepresentations and stereotypes about families who educate outside of traditional methods, bringing a new understanding about the deep worth of learning in the home. We want our glowing embers to represent a long-lasting, meaningful source of warmth for any schoolers and those who know us. 

Where We Are

AnySchoolers is anywhere that families are. We are a national nonprofit organization providing online community with  in-person hub groups who organize local activities and network with supportive, local, like-minded organizations.

Ready to Spark Something BIG?

Get in touch so we can build a bonfire together.

We love your spark! 

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